I had high hopes for BB's Fragrance Free Shea Butter & Vitamin E Body Lotion but, unfortunately, it was one of those products that left me unsatisfied. The consistency is great and keeps my skin well hydrated for a long time. But the scent seems off. At first I thought it smelled like chlorine, but after using it a few more times I think it smells more like wet dog (sorry BB!). I've continued to use it because my broke/cheap self can't throw it out, but I'm still thrown off by the scent. I wonder if I got an old bottle? Or maybe I'm just detecting the scents of the natural ingredients? I might mix some essential oils in with it and see if that helps...
If you have a sensitive nose, I would strongly recommend that you sniff this lotion before buying! If you don't mind the scent, then this lotion might be a great option for you. But if you're turned off post-sniff, you might want to keep looking...or stay tuned to see if mixing in essential oils can save this product :)
Green Beauty Blog Rating: C-